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24 Volt, 40MT, 11 Teeth, CW, DD, MTG CONFIG CODE - C

Cross Ref. :
WAI New      3745N
WAI Old      233514A, 23359A, 50-103-1, 50-104, 50-104-1, 50-104-2, 50-108-1
Bosch Service Europe      0 986 015 680
Delco      1109702, 1109704, 1109705, 1109723, 1109745, 1109762, 1109765, 1113726, 1113738, 1113792, 1113820, 1113824, 1113825, 1113831, 1113844, 1113845, 1113847, 1113862, 1113868, 1113893, 1113894, 1113895, 1113900, 1113903, 1113905, 1113906, 1113955, 1113957, 1113968, 1113972, 1113976, 1113977, 1113991, 1113994, 1113995, 1113997, 1113999, 1114737, 1114738, 1114776
Lester      3745
Lester Old      3749, 4975
Wood Auto Supplies      STR20013, STR20015
Used On:
Allis Chalmers Crawlers     HD-11 11000 Diesel 1960-1970; HD-11DD 11000 Diesel 1971-1973; HD-11PD 11000 Diesel 1971-1973; HD-11PS 11000 Diesel 1971-1973; HD-6 6000 Diesel 1960-1973; HD-7 7000 Diesel 1960-1969; HD-7G 7000 Diesel 1968
Allis Chalmers Grader     M100 10000 / 11000 Diesel 1962-1973
Allis Chalmers Loader     HD-12G 11000 Diesel 1968-1973; HD-6G 6000 Diesel 1969-1973
Austin Western Grader     100 GM 3055C 1962-1972; 100 GM 3080 1962-1966; 200 GM 3055C 1962-1972; 200 GM 3080 1962-1966
Caterpillar Ag. & Ind. Off-Road & Mining Truck     776 D-348 Diesel 1970-1978; 777 D-348 Diesel 1974-1984
Clark Dozer     280 DD 8V-71N 1979-1980; 280 III DD 8V-71N 1965-1972; 280 IIIA DD 8V-71N 1973-1978
Clark Scraper     110 III DD 6V-71N Diesel 1969-1970; 110 III H DD 6V-71N Diesel 1971-1974; 210 I DD 8V-71 Diesel 1965-1966; 210 III DD 8V-71 Diesel 1967-1974; 210 III H DD 8V-71 Diesel 1971-1972
Clark Tractor Shovel     125 DD 6V-71 Diesel 1973-1977; 125B Cummins VT-555 1973-1974; 175 III DD 8V-71 Diesel 1969-1970; 175 IV DD 8V-71 Diesel 1971-1972; 175B DD 8V-71 Diesel 1973-1980; 275 DD 8V-71 Diesel 1965-1966; 275 III DD 8V-71N Diesel 1967-1968; 275A DD 8V-71N Diesel 1965-1966; 75B DD 4-71N Diesel 1975-1978
Construction Equipment Co. Misc. Truck     AFE-5 Cat. D-348 1971-1974; BFA-12 Cat. D-348 Engine 1971-1974
Construction Equipment Co. Tournapul     CPA-8 Cummins NHRS-6-C1 1967-1974; CPA-8 DD 8V-71 Diesel 1967-1974; CPA-9 Cummins NHRS-6-C1 1969-1974; CPA-9 DD 8V-71 Diesel 1969-1974; CPF DD 8V-71 Diesel 1967-1968; DPA DD 4-71 Diesel 1967-1968; DPA-2 DD 4-71 Diesel 1969-1974; DPF DD 4-71 Diesel 1967-1968; DPF-2 DD 4-71 Diesel 1969-1974
Euclid Crawlers     C6-4 DD 6-71 Diesel 1964-1967; C6-5 DD 6-71 Diesel 1964-1967; TC-12 DD 6-71 Diesel 1962-1967
Euclid Scraper     33 SH DD 6-71 Diesel 1961-1963; 37 SH DD 6-71 Diesel 1961-1962; 56 SH DD 6V-71 Diesel 1964-1966; TSS-24 DD 6-110 Diesel 1961-1962; TSS-24 DD 6-71 Diesel 1961-1962
Euclid Tractor     37LDT DD 6-110 Diesel 1961-1962
Euclid Truck Unit     95FD DD 6-71 Diesel 1964-1966
Euclid Wagon     137W DD 6-110 Diesel 1961-1962; 137W DD 6-71 Diesel 1961-1962
Fiat-Allis Grader     100C 11000 Diesel 1974-1980; 150C 11000 Diesel 1974-1980; 200C 11000 Diesel 1974-1980
Fiat-Allis Tractor     HD-11DD / PS 11000 Diesel 1974-1978; HD-6 6000 Diesel 1974
Fiat-Allis Wheel Loader     12G 11000 Diesel 1974-1978; 6G 6000 Diesel 1974
Freightliner Heavy Duty     All Models (By Engine) - Prior to 1970 Cummins Engines 1963-1966
Galion Grader     104A DD 3-71 1965-1966; 118 DD 4-71 1965-1966; 118A DD 4-71 1965-1968; 118B DD 4-71 1967-1968; 118L DD 4-71 1965-1966; 160L DD 6-71 1965-1966; T-500A DD 4-71 1967-1968
Hough Payloader     H-100 IHC UD-817 1962; H-120B IHC UD-817 1962
Ingersoll Rand Compressor     R-900 DD 6-110 1960-1964
International Dozer     TD-20C DT-573B Diesel 1970
International Heavy Duty     Transtar Caterpillar 3406 1971-1979; Transtar IHC V-800 1980-1982
International Loader     250C DT-573 Diesel 1975-1979; TD-250 DT-573B Diesel 1970-1971; TD-250C DT-573B Diesel 1972-1974
International Medium/Heavy Truck     Paystar Cummins Engines 1977-1979; Paystar DD 8V-71 1977-1982; Paystar IHC V-800 1977-1982
International Paydozer     D-100B IHC D-817 1969; D-120C DT-817B / DT-817C 1970-1974; D-90C Cummins V6R-180 1968-1969
International Payhauler     330 DT-817C Diesel 1973-1979; 340 DT-817C Diesel 1973-1979; PH-100 DT-817B Diesel 1965-1970; PH-100B DT-817B Diesel 1968-1970; PH-140 DT-817B Diesel 1968-1979; PH-65 D-817 Diesel 1959-1964; PH-65 D-817 Diesel 1968-1979; PH-65B DVT-573 Diesel 1968-1969; PH-65C DVT-573B Diesel 1970; PH-95 D-817 Diesel 1959-1964
International Payloader     560 DTI-817C Diesel 1975-1982; H-100B IHC D-817 1969; H-100C DT-817C 1970-1979; H-120C IHC DT-817B 1969-1973; H-90C Cummins JT6ci 1968-1969; H-90E DVT-573B 1970-1974
International Payscraper     270 DVT-573 Diesel 1968-1970; 295 DT-817B/C Diesel 1968-1974; 295B DT-817B/C Diesel 1968-1974; 2T-95 D-817 / DT(I)-817 1959-1967; 4T-95 D-817 / DT(I)-817 1959-1967; E-270 DVT-573 Diesel 1968-1973; E-295 DT-817B/C Diesel 1968-1974; E-295B DT-817B/C Diesel 1968-1974; ET-270 DVT-573 Diesel 1968-1973
International Power Unit     U-817 GTI-817B 1963-1972; U-817B GTI-817B 1971-1972; UD-817 D-817 1959-1964; UD-817 D-817 1967; UD-817B D-817 1962-1964; UD-817B D-817 1967-1971; UDT-817 DT-817 1959-1964; UDT-817 DT-817 1967; UDT-817B DT-817 1963-1964; UDT-817B DT-817 1967-1972; UT-817 GTI-817B 1962-1964; UT-817 GTI-817B 1967-1972; UT-817B GTI-817B 1971-1972
International Tractor     TD-20E DVT-800 Diesel 1975-1979
Le Tourneau-Westinghouse Grader     330-H JNR-111-CI Cummins Diesel 1965-1966; 440 NHC-4-CI Cummins Diesel 1965-1966; 440-H H-135-CI Cummins Diesel 1965-1966; 660-B H-6-CI Cummins Diesel 1965-1966; 660-BT HRF-6-CI Cummins Diesel 1965-1966; 666T H-160-CI Cummins Diesel 1965-1966; 777 H-6-CI Cummins Diesel 1965-1966; 777T HRF-6-CI Cummins Diesel 1965-1966; 777T NH220 Cummins Diesel 1965-1966
Le Tourneau-Westinghouse Misc. Equipment     CPA-5 8V-71 Detroit Diesel 1965-1966; CPF-5 8V-71 Detroit Diesel 1965-1966; DPA 4-71 Detroit Diesel 1965-1966; DPF 4-71 Detroit Diesel 1965-1966
Le Tourneau-Westinghouse Off-Road & Mining Truck     LW-22 NHRS-6 Cummins Diesel 1963-1964; LW-27 NRTO Cummins Diesel 1963-1964; LW-32 NFT Cummins Diesel 1963-1964; LW-75 16V-71T Detroit Diesel 1963-1964; LW-75 V12-700 Cummins Diesel 1963-1964
Mack Heavy Duty     DM / DMM Series All Engines 1968-1971; DM / DMM Series Mack Engines 1972-1980; F / FL / FS Series All Engines 1968-1971; F / FL / FS Series Mack Engines 1972-1980; MC Series Mack Engines 1980; MR Series Mack Engines 1980; R Series All Engines 1968-1971; R Series DD 6V-92 1978-1980; R Series Mack Engines 1972-1980; RD Series Mack Engines 1979-1980; RL Series DD 6V-71 1975-1978; RL Series DD 6V-92 1978-1980; RM Series DD 6V-92 1978-1980; RS Series DD 6V-71 1975-1978; RS Series DD 6V-92 1978-1980; RS Series Mack Engines 1979-1980; RW Series DD 8V-92 1978-1980; RW Series Mack Engines 1979-1980; U Series All Engines 1968-1971; U Series Mack Engines 1972-1980
Massey Ferguson Loader     MF-88 Wheel Loader DD 8V-71 Diesel 1972-1977
Murphy Diesel Engine Medium Duty     452 560ci Engine 1964-1980; 462 623ci Engine 1964-1980; 472 678ci Engine 1964-1980; MP-11 675ci Engine 1964-1965; MP-12 735ci Engine 1964-1965
Tanguay Loader     TT14030 3304 Cat. Diesel 1984
Terex Crawlers     82-30 DDAD 6-71 1971; 82-30B DDAD 8V-71T 1976-1979; 82-30G DDAD 6-71 1973-1975; 82-30GA DDAD 8V-71T 1971-1972; 82-40 DDAD 8V-71 1971-1975; 82-40CA DDAD 8V-71 1968-1970; 82-40FAT DDAD 8V-71 1968-1970; 82-80 DDAD 6V-71 1971-1975; 82-80DA DDAD 6-71 1968-1970
Terex Hauler     33-05 DDAD 8V-71 / T 1972-1979
Terex Loader     72-51 DDAD 6-71 1976-1978; 72-51BA DDAD 6-71T 1976-1978; 72-61 DDAD 8V-71T 1976-1978; 72-61AA DDAD 8V-71T 1976-1978; 72-71 DDAD 8V-71 1971-1975
Terex Scraper     78 SH DDAD 6-71 1968-1971; S-23E DDAD 8V-71 / T 1972-1978; TS-18 DDAD 6V-71N 1971-1978; TS-18 DDAD 8V-71N 1971-1978; TS-24 DDAD 6-71 1968-1975; TS-24A DDAD 6V-71 / N / T 1976-1978; TS-32 DDAD 8V-71T 1971-1978
Wabco Scraper     222 DDAD 8V-71T 1979-1980; 229 DDAD 8V-71T 1979-1980; 252FT DDAD 8V-71T 1979-1980
Waukesha Engine Medium Duty     135 Diesel Engines 1963-1967; F-1197 6cyl Gas and Diesel 1963-1980; F-1905 6cyl LPG and Diesel 1963-1973; F-2895 6cyl Gas, LPG & Diesel 1968-1978; F-3521 6cyl Gas and LPG 1968-1978; H-1077 8cyl Gas and Diesel 1968-1978; L-1616 12cyl Gas and Diesel 1968-1978; L-5100D 12cyl Diesel 1968-1974; L-5108G 12cyl Gas 1968-1978; L-5790 12cyl Gas and Diesel 1968-1978; L-5792 12cyl Gas and Diesel 1975-1978; L-5890 12cyl Gas 1968-1970; L-7042G 12cyl Gas and Diesel 1968-1978; P-2154 16cyl Gas and Diesel 1971-1978
White Industrial Medium & Heavy-Duty Trucks     All Models (By Engine) Cummins VT-903 1974-1978


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